This project aims to stop the spread of invasive weeds on to Mount Roland.
Since 2011 Mount Roland Land Care has been coordinating a weed control program in and around the Mount Roland Regional Reserve in cooperation with the Parks and Wildlife Service, Kentish Council and many other public and private land managers. Around 70 different weed sites have been mapped in or close to the Reserve and these have been controlled annually and as resources are available since 2011. Overall works are guided by the Minnow Catchment Weed Management Plan [View PDF].
Current major threats include foxgloves which are spreading rapidly. Kunzea ericoides and the extensive weed populations of Gowrie Park are largely contained at present, but remain a threat. The June 2022 storms created much soil disturbance in and near the Reserve, and there continues to be a high risk of weeds opportunistically invading those areas.
Mount Roland Land Care organizes community weed working bees where participants perform invaluable works to manage some of the weed threats. Watch out for these days – they are an excellent opportunity for meaningful action.
Mount Roland Land Care also seeks grant funding to implement priority weed control – in 2022 we received a $3000 grant from the Cradle Coast Authority. This funding is greatly appreciated, but is a fraction of what is needed to keep weeds in check. We also continue to work with landowners to encourage and support their actions.
Comprehensive information on our weed control program is available here [view PDF].
What you can do?
Participate in weed working bees
Report foxgloves in the Kentish Municipality on our Foxglove Hotline page